Italian wedding & elopement photographer
what people say
kind words on my works

Machteld & Willem
Wedding at Sa Mandra, Farmhouse Alghero
We had our 3-day wedding at Sa Mandra agriturismo, a beautiful place in Alghero, Sardegna. Paolo was our wedding photographer and went with us almost the whole 3 days. We communicate trough Skype and calling before the wedding which went very easy, Paolo was flexible in the communication and helped us a lot with some really good tips for the wedding! We had an amazing time and we are very very happy that Paolo was our photographer, we could not be more happy with the photos we have! During the wedding he was on the background, and made beautiful pictures of us and all our loved ones! Paolo is more than a photographer, he's a warm and helpful man who makes you feel comfortable standing in front of a camera and helps you to experience your wedding day the best you can!
Martina & Cristian
Wedding at Villa Sole, Alghero
Un matrimonio tanto atteso e purtroppo rimandato più volte causa Covid ... Ma grazie a Paolo tutte le nostre ansie e paure per quella giornata si sono dissolte lasciando spazio alle emozioni più belle e sincere... Ha catturato i nostri momenti del cuore, i sorrisi e gli occhi commossi di chi, finalmente, ha realizzato un sogno... La sua semplicità, i suoi modi delicati e il suo sguardo rassicurante hanno fatto si che tutto andasse per il meglio: perfetto nell'organizzazione di ogni singolo momento del matrimonio in modo da non perdere nessun dettaglio prezioso... Preciso nell'orario e nel trovare la luce perfetta del tramonto per fare delle foto spettacolari. Sempre presente durante il ricevimento ma allo stesso tempo discreto in tutti gli scatti. Consigliamo a tutti di affidare un giorno cosi importante a Paolo un Fotografo così speciale che si emoziona mentre parla del suo lavoro e della sua passione per la fotografia... è una perla rara da trovare e noi siamo contenti di averla trovata.

Sasha & Marteen
Maternity session at Porto Ferro's beach, Alghero Sardinia

Beim Shooting sind wundervolle Fotos entstanden, die ich nun zuhause immer wieder anschaue." Aber von vorne: Wir waren auf Sardinien im Urlaub und haben uns spontan entschieden nach Fotografen zu schauen und die schönen Momente meiner/unserer Schwangerschaft im letzten Urlaub "zu zweit" festzuhalten. Bilder sagen mehr als 1000 Worte - und darum haben wir nach Reinschauen auf mehrere Websites Salvadori Photographers angeschrieben. Wir mochten das Licht in den Bildern und die spontane Art statt Inszenierung. Und so war es am Ende für uns wirklich. Der Kontakt war sehr angenehm. Möglicher Ort und co kamen durchs gemeinsame Chatten und Überlegen zustande. Beim Shooting selbst hat uns eine Stunde ausgereicht um zig Settings einzufangen. Felsen, Meer, Grün im Hintergrund, am Wasser, auf Felsen, beim Strandspaziergang, im Wasser, wir zu zweit - ich mit dem kleinen Wunder im Bauch alleine etc. Dass die Bilder dann auch alle bearbeitet wurden, hat mich sehr positiv überrascht. Ich kenne das anders. Von anderen meist nur eine gewisse Anzahl an Bildern, dann für weitere Bezahlen oder restriktiv mit Rohdaten etc. 150 Bilder mit diesem magischen Licht der Abendsonne wurden es am Ende für uns. Und auf unseren Wänden zuhause sind mittlerweile zig Bilder eingerahmt neu hinzugekommen. Ich laufe durch den Flur und bleibe mit dem Blick durch die Kraft im Bild dran hängen. Ich sitze im Wohnzimmer und träume mich zurück auf Sardinien. Die Erinnerung an meine erste Schwangerschaft und uns als Paar auf Sardinien ist - so cheesy es klingt - wirklich wie in einem romantischen Hollywood Movie festgehalten. Danke für diesen lockeren, kurzweiligen Spaziergang Paolo. Solche Bilder aus einem so spontanen Setting rauszuholen ist eine echte Kunst.
Lotti & Christopher
Intimate Wedding in Palmadula, Argentiera countryside Sardinia
Paolo was BRILLIANT, we couldn't have asked for a better photographer to capture our wedding day. As people who are usually not comfortable in front of a camera, Paolo was so brilliant at "documenting" the day rather than forcing unnatural moments, which suited us perfectly. He also brings a lot of personality to his shoots, which entertained our guests and relaxed us, which in turn created the most beautiful pictures. We can't thank him enough for the memories he has captured for us.

Samira & Maurits
Intimate Wedding in Alghero, Mugoni's beach Sardinia
Actually, we had not planned to get a photographer at our wedding initially. We wanted to enjoy and savior the experience of our wedding in this magnificent location in Sardinia in a very intimate way, and we felt that a photographer would probably bring too much distraction from that.
Boy were we wrong! After we met our wedding planner, she introduced us to Paolo and this introduction has very much enhanced both the experience of our wedding itself and the experience we still have of remembering our wedding. Not only are the pictures taken by him mesmerizingly beautiful, he himself became an important member of our intimate wedding party! We loved every day we spend with him (as he took much more time for us than I think any other wedding photographer would do), and will cherish the memories of this through his pictures. Samira and I feel privileged we've met Paolo! The photos of our wedding that he delivered are breathtaking! Paolo, thank you so much! Thank you for being who you are! Not just a photographer, no. You are an excellent photographer and a great friend! If you are looking for a great photographer, somebody you can connect with, an honest and loving person, ask Paolo to take your photos! He will not let you down!!
Nadja & Joscha
Holiday Summer Couple-shoot in Castelsardo, Sardinia
"Document the moment" THAT was the photoshoot we were looking for!
That is exactly what Paolo do. We didn't have any experience and really didn't know what to do. It's not easy to forget about what is around you and show feelings to a stranger. But after a coffee and a short conversation we felt so comfortable with Paolo, it felt more like shooting with friends.
We are in love with the "documentation" of our love-story and would do it again anytime! Thank you so much for this experience.